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Council Meeting – 11th December 2024

To Members of the East Hanney Parish Council:

YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to attend a meeting of the Parish Council

on Wednesday 11th December 2024 at 7.30pm

to be held in the Olde Hanney Room, Hanney War Memorial Hall

for the purpose of conducting the following business:


Press and members of the public:

Members of the public wishing to address the Council during the formal meeting must make the Chairman aware of their intention before the meeting starts. Under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, the public may be excluded whenever publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. Members of the public wishing to record the meeting are asked to notify the Chairman of their intentions so that appropriate arrangements can be made for the recording, in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders and Recording of Meetings Policy.


  1. To receive apologies for absence


  1. To receive any Declarations of Interest from Councillors relating to items on the agenda.



3.    To facilitate public participation with regard to items on the agenda.  Anyone wishing to address the Council will be given three minutes to do.  The public participation period shall not exceed 30 minutes.


  1. To receive updates from District Councillor.



  1. To receive updates from County Councillor.



  1. To confirm the accuracy of the minutes of the last meeting of the Council



  1. To discuss sign for Ebbs Lane as per mail.



  1. To agree quote £695 to have tree surveyed by Venners.



  1. Received email from School requesting a donation for Little Wandle phonics Books of £3000.



  1. Agree to cost of £714.78 for a parish noticeboard on the Rosie B’s estate.



  1. Training ILCA (currently doing FILCA that Challow funded), cost is £144.



  1. Nationwide account – approve and arrange for RFO to have access to this account.



  1. Can I enquire with Scribe to have the invoice function set up; these can be raised in scribe to the cost coding it relates to directly.    


  1. Agree to buy Printer/scanner value £150 for the Clerk.                                 


  1. To receive updates arising from the previous minutes and ongoing projects not otherwise on the agenda:



Project Status Next Step/s
Car Park Incorrect Car Park Grid used, ODS to replace.

Retention being held until this is completed. Total adjusted order value £182,613.07 (net), total paid to date £173,482.42 (net).  Amount due on completion £9,130.65+VAT.

Met Matt from ODS on 31/10/24 about the unfinished work. ODS are doing the snagging when completed we will do an inspection with them to check we are happy.
Bird Boxes At Cllr McKechnie’s house To be installed.
Rosie B’s S106 Land Transfer Solicitors appointed.  Awaiting progress.

Land adjacent to Dandridge’s Close under a separate title deed.

Legal costs for land transfer to be paid by Vistry.

It is not possible for PC is to be a Director of the Management Committee.

Commuted Sum is index linked.

The play area will be taken over once the legal handover has taken place.

Received email, close to completion we have responded with an invoice for payment of the S106 monies.
Fox Fox has been installed. Retention to cover outstanding items – awaiting Kompan to complete. Clerk emailed Steve Sylvester (Director) 15/4/24.

Kompan have now raised an order for works to be undertaken FOC.

Amount due on completion (£1230.77+VAT). Advised painting completed on Monday 3rd by Kompan., SM has requested paint codes – still waiting. Sharp bird tail highlighted by ROSPA inspection – RR has emailed, awaiting response
 Clerk’s Phone To asked OALC if the Clerk can have a dual sim in her private phone Waiting for response from OALC
Trim trail/gym To agree the location along the western edge of Kings Leases PA to establish the distance required from the new pitches
Defibrillator Awaiting installation following building works. Register on WebNos/The Circuit. Who to action?
Height Barrier Quote from ODS accepted.  Moss Green confirmed. £2653.09 barrier + £550 signs to be invoiced separately from the car park/MUGA. Met Matt from ODS and we asked if we can have a split swing barrier locking at the side, ODS are talking to fabricators to see if we can do this.
Land Transfer/Registration Clerk unable to find anyone who is aware of the agreement from the PC to take over the land on the A338 outside Dandridge Close. Discuss actions required to proceed with this. Clerk to write to OCC to request that they install the bus stop as selected by the PC in December 2020.
Title Deeds Title Deeds obtained.  In OneDrive


Council address needs updating with HM Land Registry – Clerk needs to get full deeds, Cllr Kirk helping
Sports Pavilion To agree to engage with an architect


  1. Finance



  1. Planning Applications

P24/V1706/MPO  (Castle Homes)


  • The development was approved on a designated housing mix basis and that should be retained as it was the basis of the approval.
  • The housing mix as approved for planning permission provides for a genuine mixed community offering residents private, affordable and shared ownership housing opportunities.
  • The provision of a shared ownership unit within the development gives opportunity for someone not able to outright afford a new home of their own, the means to step onto the housing ladder.
  • Provision of the unit and thus delivery of a mixed-use development better meets community and District Housing needs and objectives.


  1. To note the date of the next normal meeting – Wednesday January 8th 2025 at 7:30pm

All proposals for the next agenda to be submitted to the Clerk by 2nd January 2024


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